Why A Blog?

I went back and forth about whether or not to actually write a blog, trying to decide if it was cliche or not, and decided no, it is therapeutic for me and also who knows maybe my weird sense of humour might even cheer someone else up when they're having a shitty day! So whether you can relate or you just want a laugh feel free to browse and read....get to know me and maybe even get to know something about yourself along the way?!

“About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.”
― Rita Mae Brown

Thursday, 6 August 2015

It'll be alright in the end....if it's not alright, it's not the end!

As many of you may know I'm a major advocate for positive mental health and living a positive life. That being said I think it's important to not some moves I've made towards improving my own life outlook and how I can try live a positive life both for myself and those around me. 

Nobody wishes they'd spent more time in the office

I have recently left a job in which I was employed for 5 years, while it was part time work it was a very negative atmosphere and a predominantly female environment which instead of being a source of support and encouragement and building each other up was the opposite - a rather negative environment fully of jealousy and bitchy comments and overall lack of teamwork. As a result of this I chose to do what was right for me, and so I left. I have no regrets in relation to leaving this  this job, I was lucky to have met some amazing people over the past 5 years but unfortunately the good times were over shadowed by the bad and I came to realise if you wake up in the morning and the thought of going into a work fills you with dread or creates an ill feeling in your stomach then you have to do whats right for you. 

I am also learning a valuable life lesson at the moment and that's how to effectively deal with rejection. The aftermath of leaving one job is of course the process of finding a new one! However, while at the beginning I was feeling deflated and wanting to just give up, I realised something huge about myself, I needed to take this as a learning opportunity and see what I needed to do to promote myself as being employable and a good asset to a team. We are constantly learning and it's our attitude to life that is infectious and that invited people to befriend us. So I await my next rejection, but I also await the day that its a success!

I'm Irish, we don't DO emotion

Another thing which is extremely important to say at this time is that I no longer feel as though i'm alone. When i initially began this journey I struggled because not only did I not understand what was going on with myself, but my family and friends did also. Speaking about mental health is not a common practice in Ireland and unfortunately still holds a huge stigma. Thankfully, one of the positives of this whole journey is that my family and friends have become more educated and more aware of mental health issues and how to help people in dealing with them. 

A huge obstacle has been over come in this regard, not just for my family and friends but for myself also. I didn't feel like I had to hide how I felt anymore or put on a brave face or even participate in society when I genuinely did not have the capacity to do so. Trust me a panic attack in the car because you can't face going into pennys is not a great feeling, nor something any Irish girl wants in life. I am lucky to say that I'm much stronger as an individual now and I don't feel like I have to explain my actions to people anymore. I've struggled majorly but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm thankful for all those who we're there with me in the good times and the bad. 

Moving Forward

As the title says, Everything will be alright in the end, If it's not alright, it's not the end. We live in a society where we're bombarded with social media and the image of the perfect life we should all be living. Constant adventures, shopping trips, dinner dates, and while all amazing experiences and great for our mental health, we need to ask ourselves are we happy with the life we're living or are we portraying a life that seems amazing on the surface but is not as happy on the inside? 

My message would be to live your life for yourself and your own happiness. That doesn't mean hurt people for your own gain, but be mindful of others. Don't be taken advantage of but don't take advantage of anyone to progress yourself. WE need to start supporting each other and stop competing. If you want to travel then save and go, but if traveling isn't your thing then don't let anyone make you feel bad about that either! Don't judge your happiness on the life that others are presenting. Be confident in your decisions and trust me the happiness will follow. Be comfortable being you, infact be unapologetically you! There are always going to be people who don't like you simply because you are you, and that's ok.  

You be You!

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